As Minnesota continues to unthaw from the winter, it’s time to get a start on your Spring cleanup. You know, the raking, seeding, irrigation setup, aeration, and pruning, just to name a few. The list could go on depending on the type of yard you have. Doing all those tasks could take you days, if not weeks to complete and with summer right around the corner, you don’t want to lose any of that precious time! So why choose Croix for you spring and summer maintenance?
Croix has a team with years of landscaping and maintenance experience.
Many of our team members have been working in the landscaping and maintenance care for many years. This level of expertise can put you at ease knowing you are getting the best care.
Croix can be your one-stop-shop.
The Croix Companies is made up of two business, property maintenance and landscaping. We can take care of projects from mowing your lawn to re-edging your current landscape beds, just give us a call to see how we can help.
Our team can maintain your yard all season long.
Back to that precious time, you don’t want to lose any of that. By picking Croix you can rest assured knowing that you will have plenty of spare time to focus on all your summer dreams.
Ready to get in touch? Give us a call at 218-829-3404 or email us at to see how we can help you all spring and summer long!